13 January 2011

Different nationalities working together, different cultures mixing in the working place could lead to a tough combination, especially for the leader of the team. We have received the following story from one of our readers. It involves British, Indian and Colombian colleagues. What do you think would have happened if any of these people in the story were replaced with Romanians?

05 January 2011

Romania-Insider.com starts a series of articles on intercultural communication, focusing on practical aspects that will help you deal with your Romanian business partners as well as with partners in the Eastern Europen region, while bridging the cultural differences between them. Read the introductory article of this series below and feel free to send us your ideas or examples of actual situations where more knowledge on intercultural communication would have come in handy.

13 January 2011

Different nationalities working together, different cultures mixing in the working place could lead to a tough combination, especially for the leader of the team. We have received the following story from one of our readers. It involves British, Indian and Colombian colleagues. What do you think would have happened if any of these people in the story were replaced with Romanians?

05 January 2011

Romania-Insider.com starts a series of articles on intercultural communication, focusing on practical aspects that will help you deal with your Romanian business partners as well as with partners in the Eastern Europen region, while bridging the cultural differences between them. Read the introductory article of this series below and feel free to send us your ideas or examples of actual situations where more knowledge on intercultural communication would have come in handy.



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