Net average wages in Romania up real 1.9% YoY in February

The net average wage increased by 10.6% in February compared to the same month last year (YoY), to RON 3,791 (EUR 752), according to data published by the statistics office INS. In real terms, the net average wage thus increased by 1.9% YoY.
Under a broader perspective, the net wage has ranged over the past year and a half within a relatively narrow band - except for the spikes marking the year-end bonuses received in December (2021 and 2020).
The wages have thus kept pace with the consumer prices so far - but they are expected to gradually lose momentum or show signs of fatigue later in the year, moderating the private demand for consumption.
Speaking of the wages in specific industries, the wages in the budgetary sector (administration, education, health care) increased below average and among them, the average wages in education (+7.6% YoY as of February) posted the highest growth.
With an average of RON 9,000 (EUR 180), the IT sector offers the highest earnings - followed by oil processing and tobacco manufacturing (RON 6,000 or EUR 1,200 on average). The average wages are high (RON 5.600) in air transportation.
(Photo: Shutterstock)