EC approves Romania’s EUR 53 mln support scheme for charging stations

Romania will offer grants totalling EUR 53 million to companies that will install charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles, after the European Commission (EC) approved the support scheme as legal.
The EUR 53 million budget covers the period 2020-2025.
The goal is to stimulate the creation of a national network of charging stations for electric vehicles that will cover urban, suburban and rural areas.
The beneficiaries will be selected through an open and transparent bidding procedure, and the support will be granted in the form of grants.
“Romania will contribute to the fight against climate change, in line with the objectives set by the European Ecological Pact. This scheme will reduce harmful emissions from vehicles and improve the health of citizens, without unduly distorting competition,” said Margrethe Vestager, EC executive vice president in charge of competition policies.
(Photo: Pixabay)