RO Govt. endorses new energy cap regulations

21 March 2022

The Government of Romania has endorsed under an emergency ordinance the new regulations providing for the capping of the energy prices paid by households and small-sized enterprises for a period of 12 months after April 1, Ziarul Financiar reported.

The ordinance includes a provision under which the Government pledges to cover all the losses incurred by the energy suppliers under the previous ‘cap and subsidy’ scheme carried out from November 1 to March 31.

The new scheme will provide support to 8 million households when it comes to the price of electricity and to all households when it comes to natural gas, minister of energy Virgil Popescu explained.

Furthermore, the non-residential natural gas consumers (except for the large consumers subject to another regulation) will pay a capped price as well - which is, however, higher than that paid by households: RON 370 per MWh, VAT included versus RON 0.31 per kWh (RON 310 per MWh, VAT included) paid by households.

The price of electricity was set at a maximum of RON 0.68 per kWh for households with monthly consumption of up to 100 kWh and RON 0.8 per kWh for those consuming 100-300 kWh (those using more than 300kWh per month are not protected). 

(Photo:  Bubbersbb |


RO Govt. endorses new energy cap regulations

21 March 2022

The Government of Romania has endorsed under an emergency ordinance the new regulations providing for the capping of the energy prices paid by households and small-sized enterprises for a period of 12 months after April 1, Ziarul Financiar reported.

The ordinance includes a provision under which the Government pledges to cover all the losses incurred by the energy suppliers under the previous ‘cap and subsidy’ scheme carried out from November 1 to March 31.

The new scheme will provide support to 8 million households when it comes to the price of electricity and to all households when it comes to natural gas, minister of energy Virgil Popescu explained.

Furthermore, the non-residential natural gas consumers (except for the large consumers subject to another regulation) will pay a capped price as well - which is, however, higher than that paid by households: RON 370 per MWh, VAT included versus RON 0.31 per kWh (RON 310 per MWh, VAT included) paid by households.

The price of electricity was set at a maximum of RON 0.68 per kWh for households with monthly consumption of up to 100 kWh and RON 0.8 per kWh for those consuming 100-300 kWh (those using more than 300kWh per month are not protected). 

(Photo:  Bubbersbb |




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