Romania’s public debt up 11.2% yoy to 36.9% of GDP at end-Oct 2019

The debt owed by Romania’s central and local administration (public debt) totaled RON 364.9 billion (EUR 76.7 bln), respectively 36.9% of GDP, at the end of October last year, under the European Union’s ESA methodology, according to data released by the Finance Ministry presented by Agerpres.
The country’s public debt increased by 11.2% year-on-year from the end of October 2018, when it accounted for only 35.6% of GDP.
The external public debt of the public administration was RON 174.5 bln (EUR 36.68 bln), of which RON 170.65 bln was owed by the central public administration.
Almost all of the external public debt (RON 174.47 bln) was medium- and long-term debt.
(Photo: Shutterstock)