Wages keep rising fast in Romania, by real 7.8% y/y in November

The net average wages in Romania increased by 15.1% y/y to RON 4,765 (EUR 959) in November, marking a high single-digit growth rate for the second month in a row after continuous improvement throughout the whole last year.
The real growth of the net wages thus reached in November and December the highest growth rates since before the pandemic, except for a peak value in April 2021 explained by base effects.
The wages in the water transportation and oil refining industry rose by over 30% y/y in real terms as of November.
The new taxation regime resulted in a 0.8% decrease in the real wages earned in the IT services industry (which remain the highest ones, over EUR 2,000 per month).
The average wages in oil refineries are not much lower, though (also above EUR 2,000 per month on average, net).
In education, the average net wage increased by 17.5% y/y and reached just over EUR 1,000 per month.
(Photo: Aaron Amat/ Dreamstime)