Minister: Romania among the 10 countries affected by US steel and aluminum taxes

27 July 2018

Romania is one of the ten countries directly affected by the new taxes on steel and aluminum imports imposed by the Donald Trump’s administration, business environment minister Stefan Radu Oprea said on Thursday, July 26.

The US imposed a 25% tax on steel imports and 10% tax on aluminum imports from the EU, Mexico and Canada, starting June 1.

Romania has direct steel and aluminum exports to the US, which are not very big but are important for the local industry, Oprea said, quoted by Mediafax. He added that he went to Brussels and said what Romania’s position was in the negotiations with the US.

The minister also said that the statements made by European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker and US president Donald Trump after their meeting at the White House on Thursday were good news. US and the EU will start new talks on reducing taxes and other barriers in their bilateral trade.

Romania imports more iron, steel than it exports


Minister: Romania among the 10 countries affected by US steel and aluminum taxes

27 July 2018

Romania is one of the ten countries directly affected by the new taxes on steel and aluminum imports imposed by the Donald Trump’s administration, business environment minister Stefan Radu Oprea said on Thursday, July 26.

The US imposed a 25% tax on steel imports and 10% tax on aluminum imports from the EU, Mexico and Canada, starting June 1.

Romania has direct steel and aluminum exports to the US, which are not very big but are important for the local industry, Oprea said, quoted by Mediafax. He added that he went to Brussels and said what Romania’s position was in the negotiations with the US.

The minister also said that the statements made by European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker and US president Donald Trump after their meeting at the White House on Thursday were good news. US and the EU will start new talks on reducing taxes and other barriers in their bilateral trade.

Romania imports more iron, steel than it exports




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