Romania, among EU countries with lowest consumption per capita

Romania had the second-lowest GDP per capita and individual consumption per capita in the EU, behind Croatia, but ahead of Bulgaria.
Romania, together with Bulgaria and Croatia, had the lowest actual individual consumption per capita expressed in purchasing power standard (PPS) in 2015, according to EU’s statistical office Eurostat.
The situation is identical in terms of GDP per capita expressed in purchasing power parity standard (PPS). Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia are at about half the average of the European member states.
Romania’s actual individual consumption per capita amounted to 58% of the European average, same as in Croatia. In the case of Bulgaria, this reached 51%.
Romania’s GDP per capita expressed in the purchasing power parity standard (PPS) reached 57% of the EU average. Only Bulgaria saw worst results, with 46%.
Luxembourg had the highest consumption per capita, some 137% of the EU average, followed by Germany with 124%.