Romania, among EU countries with lowest tax burdens

Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Latvia had the lowest tax burdens in the European Union in 2014, according to the EU’s statistical office Eurostat.
In Romania, the share of tax revenues in the GDP amounted to 27.7%. In the European Union, the proportion of taxes in the GDP reached on average 40% in 2014.
Similar to Romania, the share of tax revenues in the GDP was below 30% in Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Latvia. At the opposite side stood countries like Denmark (50.8%), Belgium and France (47.9%), Finland (44%), Austria (43.8%), Italy and Sweden (43.7%), where the tax revenues had much higher shares in the GDP.
In most of the EU countries, the share of tax revenues in the GDP dropped in 2014 compared to 2013, except for eight countries that include the Czech Republic and the UK.