Energy production: Romania among world’s greenest economies

According to a graph created by the platform and quoted by Ziarul Financiar, as of the year 2022, over 62% of the energy produced in Romania came from emission-free sources, namely nuclear and renewable sources.
The percentage is similar to that reported by the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) and puts Romania among the world's greenest economies, in the select company of Nordic countries, Canada, or Austria, ZF noted.
This year, Romania could achieve an even higher percentage of green energy as a share of total consumption, thanks to new installations estimated to come online and a decrease in electricity demand.
In April of this year, Romania reached a CO2-free energy production of around 80% of the total. The rise of green energy occurred with the phasing out of coal and a reduction in energy consumption. This occasion marked Romania's return to being an energy exporter after years of energy imports.
(Photo source: Andrey Popov |