Romania to support with CfD the development of 3GW of offshore wind farms

19 July 2023

The Romanian Ministry of Energy has published the draft law on the development of wind farms in the Black Sea. The purpose of the law is to reach 3GW installed capacity in the Black Sea by supporting projects through contracts for difference (CfD) that would provide investors predictability regarding their future revenues, reported.

The wind capacities will be installed only in the areas decided by the Romanian authorities after an offshore wind space plan is drawn up to include, in addition to technical data, environmental requirements.

Within two years, all offshore blocks will be established to be auctioned for the exploration and subsequent construction of offshore wind power plants. The blocks will be leased after the transmission network operator ensures the takeover of energy produced by offshore wind power plants efficiently and at the lowest cost in terms of connection and network charges.

The exploration of the concessioned perimeters will be carried out based on an exploration permit issued by the Ministry of Energy at the conclusion of the concession contract, according to its own regulations.

The exploration permit shall be issued for a maximum period of two years, with a maximum right of extension of one year and an adequate financial guarantee for good quality execution and environmental restoration.

(Photo source: Eugene Suslo/


Romania to support with CfD the development of 3GW of offshore wind farms

19 July 2023

The Romanian Ministry of Energy has published the draft law on the development of wind farms in the Black Sea. The purpose of the law is to reach 3GW installed capacity in the Black Sea by supporting projects through contracts for difference (CfD) that would provide investors predictability regarding their future revenues, reported.

The wind capacities will be installed only in the areas decided by the Romanian authorities after an offshore wind space plan is drawn up to include, in addition to technical data, environmental requirements.

Within two years, all offshore blocks will be established to be auctioned for the exploration and subsequent construction of offshore wind power plants. The blocks will be leased after the transmission network operator ensures the takeover of energy produced by offshore wind power plants efficiently and at the lowest cost in terms of connection and network charges.

The exploration of the concessioned perimeters will be carried out based on an exploration permit issued by the Ministry of Energy at the conclusion of the concession contract, according to its own regulations.

The exploration permit shall be issued for a maximum period of two years, with a maximum right of extension of one year and an adequate financial guarantee for good quality execution and environmental restoration.

(Photo source: Eugene Suslo/




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