Romania gets close to 10 million Facebook accounts

10 January 2017

Romania gets close to 10 million Facebook accounts

10 January 2017

The number of Facebook accounts in Romania reached 9.6 million in January 2017, up by 16% compared to January 2016, when there were 8.3 million accounts, according to data released by local social network monitoring service

The growth in the number of Facebook accounts has accelerated in the past year, when 1.3 million new accounts were opened, as much as in 2014 and 2015 together (in January 2014 there were 7 million Facebook accounts in Romania).

Romania’s capital Bucharest has the highest number of Facebook users in Romania, namely 1.76 million of the 9.26 million who have made public the city they live in. Cluj-Napoca has some 300,000 Facebook users, followed by Iasi and Timisoara, with about 290,000 each. Constanta and Craiova also have little over 200,000 users each. Brasov (180,000), Galati (170,000), Ploiesti (140,000), and Oradea (137,000), are the next big cities by the number of Facebook accounts.

The number of Facebook pages in Romania has also increased by some 7,600 (or 23%) in the last year, reaching over 40,000.

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