Romania to introduce green number plates for electric cars

Zero-emission cars in Romania will receive green number plates. The Ministry of Environment announced on April 29 that a joint order regulating the granting of registration plates with green letters and numbers was published in the Official Gazette.
The ministry said that only cars with zero CO2 emissions (electric or hydrogen vehicles) would receive this type of number plates.
"By clearly and visibly identifying clean vehicles in traffic, we create the framework for providing facilities to those who use them: whether we are talking about free parking, access allowed in low-emission areas, or tax cuts, the local authorities, especially those in large urban areas, will have a very useful tool," minister Tánczos Barna explained.
The new measures will enter into force 60 days after the order's publication in the Official Gazette. Owners of cars that have already been registered and comply with the criteria for receiving "green numbers" can get the new plates, upon request, after the entry into force of the provisions of the normative act.
(Photo source: Facebook/Ministerul Mediului)