Statistics office: Over 80% of households in Romania have access to the internet

According to recent data published by the National Statistics Office (INS), 80.8% of all households in Romania have access to the internet network. This represents an increase of 2.6 percentage points compared to the previous year.
Almost 87% of households in urban areas have access to the internet, with the share dropping to 73.1% in rural areas.
By regions, the internet connection was more widespread in households in the Bucharest-Ilfov region (over 8 out of 9 households have access to the internet at home), followed by the West (84.3%) and North-West (84, 0%). The lowest shares are registered by the South-East (76.2%), South-Muntenia (77.1%) and South-West Oltenia (77.4%) regions.
The types of connections used to access the internet at home are mobile broadband connections (81.7%), followed by fixed broadband connections (73.7%).
According to the same report, 88.6% of the people aged between 16 and 74 have used the internet at least once (up from 85.9% in 2020), of which 94.3% in the last three months.
Among current users, 82.3% use the internet on a daily or near daily basis, an increase of 3.2 percentage points compared to the previous year (82.3% compared to 79.1%).
(Photo source: Urby86/