Romania is 5th in Europe with 333 companies in the Inc. 5000 ranking

Romania has 333 companies in this year’s edition of the Inc. 5000 ranking of the most dynamic private companies in Europe. Romania ranks fifth in Europe while Bucharest is the fifth city by the total number of fast-growing companies included in the ranking (91).
Sweden and the UK dominate this year’s Inc. 5000 Europe ranking, with 554 and 538 companies. France is third, with 451 fast-growing companies, and Spain comes fourth, with 387.
Spain also has the fastest growing private company in Europe, the logistics and transport firm M P VAT Services, which increased its business 120 times between 2011 and 2014, to EUR 60.7 million.
Romania has no company in the top 10, but has 10 companies ranked among the fastest-growing 100 in Europe.
The most dynamic Romanian company included in this ranking is Expert Petroleum and oil&gas service company specialized in exploiting mature oil and gas fields, which increased its business almost 15 times from 2011 until 2014. The company had a turnover of EUR 27.7 million and 490 employees in 2014.
Next comes E-Nformation, a company that offers access to education and research resources online. The company increased its turnover almost 12-fold over three years, to EUR 8.5 million.
Besser Romania, which produces plastic components for household appliances, and animal feed producer Vitall, are the next Romanian companies in the ranking, with sales up 11-fold between 2011 and 2014.
Software producer ZebraPay is the fifth most dynamic company in Romania, with revenues up by 983%, to EUR 6.4 million.
Find the full ranking here.
13 Romanian companies in Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 EMEA ranking