Romania registers lowest corn production in 15 years

Romania is set to mark this year the lowest corn production since 2007, the drought reducing the harvest by approximately 40%-50% compared to previous years.
The disappointing harvest will not pose a threat to the country’s internal consumption, said agriculture minister Petre Daea. “The average production is 3,000 kg per hectare, much below the average of normal years in Romania, when this crop produced between 5 and 6 tons per hectare. It is the most affected crop by the drought […] but the harvest ensures our domestic consumption and availability for export,” he told Agerpres.
The final tally will be given at a later date, but current numbers point to the fact that the 2022 corn crop will indeed be disappointing, 40-50% lower than in previous years.
“The drought did not manifest itself only in Romania. It left its mark, unfortunately, on the crop production of many European countries. All European states are facing hardships caused by drought. As you can see, climate change is a reality, which is why we are also looking for solutions to support Romanian farmers,” minister Daea said.
Other crops were also affected. More than two million tons of sunflower seeds were obtained this year, double the consumption requirement of Romania. “It’s about 70% of the normal production,” the minister said.
Corn, sunflower, and soy were some of the most impacted crops by the drought in 2022. Wheat, on the other hand, was less impacted and much of it went to exports.
The farms that benefit from irrigation facilities were spared much of the effect of the drought, but many farmers were left to watch their crops wither under the scorching sun. “It was a very difficult year, a year that put Romanian farmers to the test,” Daea concluded.
(Photo source: Bluetoes67 |