Romania has lowest natural gas price for households in EU

Romania recorded the lowest average natural gas price for households in the European Union in the second half of last year, namely EUR 3.4 per 100 kWh.
The tariff accounted for less than half of the EU average price of EUR 7.1 per 100 kWh, according to EU’s statistical office Eurostat.
However, when adjusted to the purchasing power (PPS), the countries that had the lowest price of natural gas for households included Luxembourg (4 PPS per 100 kWh), UK (5.1 PPS per 100 kWh), Estonia (5.3 PPS per 100 kWh), Belgium (5.6 PPS per 100 kWh) and Denmark (5.7 PPS per 100 kWh).
Portugal recorded the highest price of natural gas for households based on the purchasing power, with 12.6 PPS. It was followed by Spain (10.4 PPS per 100 kWh), Greece and Sweden (each with 9.2 PPS per 100 kWh). Romania was somewhere at the middle, with 6.8 PPS per 100 kWh, just under the EU average of 7.1 PPS per 100 kWh.
The average electricity price for Romanian households was EUR 12.3 per 100 kWh, higher than the one in Bulgaria (EUR 9.6 per 100 kWh), Hungary (EUR 11.5 per 100 kWh), and other countries in the region. The highest electricity tariffs for household consumers were recorded in Denmark, with EUR 30.4 per 100 kWh and Germany, with EUR 29.5 per 100 kWh.
When adjusted to the purchasing power (PPS), the electricity prices in Romania were among the highest in the EU, with 26.5 PPS per 100 kWh. Only Portugal (29.3 PPS per 100 kWh) and Germany (28.3 PPS per 100 kWh) had higher prices.