Romania makes first step on e-health path by turning on electronic prescription system

Romania introduced electronic drug prescriptions at the end of last week, but local doctors will continue to issue paper prescriptions at the same time until July, when the electronic ones become mandatory.
In the system, doctors have an electronic certificate and patients are identified with their Personal Identification Number (CNP). The system yields information on whether patients are medically insured and what their insurance policies cover.
Whenever doctors prescribe a drug that is unfit for treating a certain illness, or if the amount is higher than necessary, the system issues a warning. If certain drugs prescribed interact with each other and should not be taken simultaneously, the system will also issue a warning.
Once the prescription is checked and issued, it will be posted on the system and visible to all pharmacies. Patients can buy drugs on prescription only in their county of domicile. When the national health card becomes functional, patients will be able to buy drugs on prescription across the country irrespective of where they pay their health insurance.
The patients will also receive a paper prescription with data on how to take the drugs. If a pharmacy is not connected to the system, the patient's paper prescription can also be used.
The electronic health cards should be introduced in November this year and distributed to one million people each month.
The entire electronic health system needed investments of EUR 9 million, from non-reimbursable EU funding.