Romania’s National Contemporary Art Museum acquires 192 new artworks

Romania's National Contemporary Art Museum (MNAC) recently concluded its 2022 session of acquisitions by adding 192 new works of art to its collection.
This year’s round of acquisitions benefited from a RON 2 mln (EUR 407,700) budget given to the museum by the Ministry of Culture.
The last session of acquisitions took place two years ago. The museum’s spokespersons extended thanks to the Ministry and the members of the jury who selected each of the acquired artworks.
“Acquisitions of works are defining for museum institutions, as they respond to a permanent need to represent, at the level of their collections, the various groups and communities that make up the sphere of contemporary art, which is in a continuous transformation,” said museum representatives in a press release. “The fact that some of those works pass into collections is a guarantee of institutional validity and memory for future generations. In the case of publicly funded museums, the acquisitions denote a moment of maturity of a state that values cultural and artistic values,” they added.
MNAC analyzed almost 400 submitted artworks during the session of acquisitions and ended up purchasing a total of 192 of them. The new acquisitions were made between 1964 and 2022. Thirteen of them are authored by artists below 35 years old. 42 of the artists whose works were acquired are women. Finally, five artists chose to donate their works.
Among the artists whose works were acquired are: Ana Adam, Arina Ailincăi, Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu, Apparatus 22, Ştefan Radu Creţu, Giulia Creţulescu, Casia Csehi, Miklósi Dénes, Georgiana Dobre & Kjersti Vetterstad, Mircea Tohătan, Titu Toncian, Marilena Preda-Sânc, Şerban Radu, Gheorghe Rasovszky, Lea Rasovszky, Mădălina Zaharia & Ryan Ormonde, Mihai Zgondoiu and others.
(Photo source: Bogdancaraman | Dreamstime)