Update: Romanian authorities to decide new restrictions to fight Omicron wave
Update: The CNSU adopted the decision on extending the state of alert in Romania for another 30 days (starting January 8) and the new restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of COVID-19. According to the CNSU decision, it will be mandatory again to wear masks in all closed and open public spaces, and only disposable surgical masks and FFP2 masks will be allowed. According to Biziday.ro, the measures proposed by CNSU must also be adopted by the Government.
Initial story: Romanian authorities are expected to decide, during a meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) on January 5, the new restrictions and measures that will be applied in the context of the fifth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Romania.
Thus, according to Government sources quoted by Digi24, the proposed and discussed measures include “the mandatory and correct wearing” of surgical or FFP2 masks in all closed and open public spaces, with exceptions.
Among the new measures proposed by CNSU is the obligation to use only a medical-type protective mask or FFP2, so as to cover the mouth and nose, in all closed and open public spaces, under the conditions established by the joint order of the Minister of Health and of the Minister of Internal Affairs. This means that textile masks will no longer be accepted.
Loose-fitting surgical masks (mainly in use in Romania due to their low cost), which cover the mouth and nose, prevent the wearer from contaminating the air around them with exhaled droplets. However, they do not offer adequate virus protection for the wearer themselves. Since surgical masks do not sit tightly against the face, breathing is relatively easy.
Tight-fitting FFP masks protect the wearer against viruses, but this comes at the cost of loss of comfort and a higher price. Masks with an exhalation valve offer an extra degree of comfort for the wearer at the cost of contaminating the air around them with exhaled droplets.
(Photo source: Cateyeperspective/Dreamstime.com)