Public maternity hospitals in Romania to give newborns free hearing screening

Children born in public maternity hospitals in Romania will benefit from free hearing screening after the Health Ministry expanded the hearing screening program at a national level. The free hearing screenings are available beginning this month.
The Health Ministry allotted a budget of RON 2.5 million (EUR 547,210) for the program.
Up until October, the screening was done only in 17 maternity hospitals. Now, it will be available in 186 maternity hospitals.
“With this screening program, hearing impairment can be detected since the first month of life so measures can be taken, the children can be treated. We have started in October, when, after the budget adjustment, the program was unblocked,” Sorina Pintea, the health minister, said, quoted by Agerpres.
The ministry will also roll out in the coming period an awareness campaign regarding the need for hearing screenings for newborns.