Outdoor campaign promotes Romania as a tourist destination in Rome, Milan

The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT) has kicked off a new campaign to boost Romania's visibility as a tourist destination abroad. The new Lasciati sorprendere dalla Romania/Let Romania surprise you outdoor campaign runs in Rome and Milan for almost a month, from March 26 to April 24, using images of local landmarks such as the Peleș Castle or the Transfăgărășan to attract tourists from Italy.
The ministry said Romania is promoted on trams and in subway stations in Milan, and on buses in Rome.
Thus, between March 26 and April 8, Romania's Peleș Castle, Sucevița Monastery, and the famous mountain road Transfăgărășan are being promoted on 100 billboards at subway stations in Milan. According to MEAT, this action could generate over 38 million views.
Also, from March 27 to April 16, the same Romanian landmarks are being advertised on 90 buses in Rome, with the potential to generate over 23 million views.
Then, for 28 days between March 28 and April 24, passers-by can see the same three images on two urban trams in Milan.
"Each image will be accompanied by a QR code that will provide the Italian public with detailed information about our country, stimulating the curiosity to explore Romania," the Ministry of Tourism stated.
The same three images were also used in the outdoor campaigns run by MEAT last year in Warsaw and Paris, and the ministry says that repeating key elements like this helps build "a coherent and strong visual identity for Romania."
"Choosing Rome and Milan as locations for the campaign is not accidental: both are important cultural and economic centers with a rich history and close ties to Romania. Moreover, Italy is considered a priority market, as last year it ranked second in the top of countries sending tourists to our country," reads the MEAT press release.
The initiative was preceded by Romania's participation in the Milan International Tourism Fair between February 4 and 6.
In the second part of the year, the country will be present at TTG Travel Experience Rimini between October 9 and 11.
(Photo source: Economie.gov.ro)