Romania receives EUR 11.6 mln from Switzerland for Roma inclusion and other vulnerable groups

13 June 2012

Romania and Switzerland signed the Thematic Fund Agreement in Bucharest today (June 13 ), which gives Romania EUR 11.6 million from the Swiss Contribution for the inclusion of Roma and other vulnerable groups. This is part of the Swiss Romanian Cooperation Program to Reduce Economic and Social Disparities within the enlarged European Union, which is dedicated to support activities which promote the inclusion of Roma and other socially and economically vulnerable groups.

Switzerland has contributed EUR 151 million to Romania so far, covering activities in areas of security, stability and support reforms, environment and infrastructure, promotion of the private sector and human and social development. The program is implemented through cooperation with the Romanian Government, represented by the Ministry of Public Finance.

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation will provide resources that will be allocated to projects to be carried out over the course of the next few years. The activities financed through this fund will be chosen based on calls for proposals by three or four Swiss-Romanian consortia and Romanian entities with relevant experience in the field respectively.

The projects will focus on improving living conditions – with a priority given to education for children, as well as health for children and young women, and empowerment and awareness building – with priority given to strengthening Roma and other minorities’ cultural identity and integration, as well as improving acceptance and enhancing their participation in decision making.

The Ambassador of Switzerland to Romania, Jean-Hubert Lebet, signed the Thematic Fund Agreement on behalf of Switzerland while Claudiu Doltu, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Public Finance, and Atilla Marko, Secretary of State in the Department of Inter-ethnic Relations, signed on behalf of Romania.

Nicola Peyton,

(photo source: Swiss Embassy to Romania)


Romania receives EUR 11.6 mln from Switzerland for Roma inclusion and other vulnerable groups

13 June 2012

Romania and Switzerland signed the Thematic Fund Agreement in Bucharest today (June 13 ), which gives Romania EUR 11.6 million from the Swiss Contribution for the inclusion of Roma and other vulnerable groups. This is part of the Swiss Romanian Cooperation Program to Reduce Economic and Social Disparities within the enlarged European Union, which is dedicated to support activities which promote the inclusion of Roma and other socially and economically vulnerable groups.

Switzerland has contributed EUR 151 million to Romania so far, covering activities in areas of security, stability and support reforms, environment and infrastructure, promotion of the private sector and human and social development. The program is implemented through cooperation with the Romanian Government, represented by the Ministry of Public Finance.

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation will provide resources that will be allocated to projects to be carried out over the course of the next few years. The activities financed through this fund will be chosen based on calls for proposals by three or four Swiss-Romanian consortia and Romanian entities with relevant experience in the field respectively.

The projects will focus on improving living conditions – with a priority given to education for children, as well as health for children and young women, and empowerment and awareness building – with priority given to strengthening Roma and other minorities’ cultural identity and integration, as well as improving acceptance and enhancing their participation in decision making.

The Ambassador of Switzerland to Romania, Jean-Hubert Lebet, signed the Thematic Fund Agreement on behalf of Switzerland while Claudiu Doltu, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Public Finance, and Atilla Marko, Secretary of State in the Department of Inter-ethnic Relations, signed on behalf of Romania.

Nicola Peyton,

(photo source: Swiss Embassy to Romania)


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