Romania records second-highest fine for GDPR breach in CEE

Romania recorded the second highest fine for breaches in personal data protection regulations – GDPR in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the first year since the regulations went into force, according to local law firm Reff&Asociatii and Deloitte, which analyzed the GDPR sactions ruled in the region.
Romania’s personal data protection watchdog – ANSPDCP fined lender UniCredit Bank with EUR 130,000, on June 27, for GDPR regulations breach. The bank failed to protect the personal data of its customers and the breach affected over 337,000 people whose personal data were disclosed to third parties in 2018.
The biggest GDPR fine was recorded in Poland, in the Bisnode case – EUR 220,000. The study shows that the biggest GDPR fine in Bulgaria was EUR 27,000, in Hungary – EUR 40,000, and in Lithuania – EUR 61,500.
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