Analysis: Romania's soft drinks market heads to EUR 1.29 billion

22 August 2018

The soft drinks market in Romania is heading to RON 6 billion (EUR 1.29 billion) this year after having grown by 24% in the last five years, according to an analysis by financial consultancy firm KeysFin.

The KeysFin analysts also expect the combined profits in this sector to reach RON 844 million (EUR 181 million).

The market has seen a faster increase between 2015 and 2018, due to massive advertising investments and higher domestic consumption.

The market is very concentrated, with the first ten players holding 87% of the total turnover. The top three players, namely Coca-Cola, Pepsi and local group Romaqua have a combined masker share of 64%.

Coca-Cola HBC Romania had a turnover of RON 2.21 billion (EUR 475 million) in 2017, reaching a market share of about 37%. Quadrant Amroq Beverages, which is part of PepsiCo group, had a market share of about 14% and Romaqua Group reached a market share of 12%.

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Analysis: Romania's soft drinks market heads to EUR 1.29 billion

22 August 2018

The soft drinks market in Romania is heading to RON 6 billion (EUR 1.29 billion) this year after having grown by 24% in the last five years, according to an analysis by financial consultancy firm KeysFin.

The KeysFin analysts also expect the combined profits in this sector to reach RON 844 million (EUR 181 million).

The market has seen a faster increase between 2015 and 2018, due to massive advertising investments and higher domestic consumption.

The market is very concentrated, with the first ten players holding 87% of the total turnover. The top three players, namely Coca-Cola, Pepsi and local group Romaqua have a combined masker share of 64%.

Coca-Cola HBC Romania had a turnover of RON 2.21 billion (EUR 475 million) in 2017, reaching a market share of about 37%. Quadrant Amroq Beverages, which is part of PepsiCo group, had a market share of about 14% and Romaqua Group reached a market share of 12%.

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