Romanian tax experts rally against e-VAT regulations

26 June 2024

Associations of accountants in Romania and members of dedicated Facebook groups are joining forces to organise on July 8 a rally towards the headquarters of the tax collection agency ANAF and the Ministry of Finance to protest against the precipitated enforcement of the e-VAT regulations by emergency ordinance (OUG) 70/2024 passed on June 21 after only two days of public consultations, according to

Finance minister Marcel Bolos, quoted by, argued in favor of the new regulations, which require companies to explain possible discrepancies between their VAT statements and the invoices collected through the newly implemented centralised e-Invoicing system.

He said that the e-VAT mechanism will enable the Government to close the VAT gap estimated by the European authorities at RON 35 billion (EUR 7 billion, some 2% of GDP).

Tax expert Gabriel Biris explains in an analysis published by some technical details that may magnify the volume of work expected by the Government from companies, as well as some complications that may be generated and that could have been avoided by more public debates with tax experts before the enforcement of the mechanism.

(Photo source: Yunkiphotoshot/


Romanian tax experts rally against e-VAT regulations

26 June 2024

Associations of accountants in Romania and members of dedicated Facebook groups are joining forces to organise on July 8 a rally towards the headquarters of the tax collection agency ANAF and the Ministry of Finance to protest against the precipitated enforcement of the e-VAT regulations by emergency ordinance (OUG) 70/2024 passed on June 21 after only two days of public consultations, according to

Finance minister Marcel Bolos, quoted by, argued in favor of the new regulations, which require companies to explain possible discrepancies between their VAT statements and the invoices collected through the newly implemented centralised e-Invoicing system.

He said that the e-VAT mechanism will enable the Government to close the VAT gap estimated by the European authorities at RON 35 billion (EUR 7 billion, some 2% of GDP).

Tax expert Gabriel Biris explains in an analysis published by some technical details that may magnify the volume of work expected by the Government from companies, as well as some complications that may be generated and that could have been avoided by more public debates with tax experts before the enforcement of the mechanism.

(Photo source: Yunkiphotoshot/




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