Romania to get EUR 100 mln from the EC to fix youth unemployment

06 February 2014

The European Commission has allotted Romania some EUR 100 million to fight youth unemployment. This initiative is part of the EC's Youth Unemployment program worth some EUR 3 billion, which are handed out to countries where youth unemployment is above 25 percent.

Romania and 16 other countries already submitted their implementation plans under this project, while 11 other countries are still preparing their strategies. (the state of play in the table below)

"Leaving young people without help damages their lifetime prospects as well as Europe's economic potential and social cohesion. It is in each Member State's interest to act swiftly and put in place practical measures to help young people get a job or acquire the skills to get a job in the future,” said László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

The EU is working to reduce youth unemployment and to increase the youth-employment rate in line with the wider EU target of achieving a 75 percent employment rate for the working-age population.

Youth unemployment rate is more than twice as high as the adult one – 23.3 percent against 9.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012, according to EU data.


Youth Guarantee Implementation Plans– state of play

Member State Status of Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan Regions eligible for extra funding under the Youth Employment Initiative Youth Employment Initiative specific allocation (€ million)*
Austria In preparation No -
Belgium Submitted Yes 39.64
Bulgaria Submitted Yes 51.56
Croatia Submitted Yes 61.82
Cyprus Submitted Yes 10.81
Czech Republic Submitted Yes 12.71
Denmark In preparation No -
Estonia In preparation No -
Finland In preparation No -
France Submitted Yes 289.76
Germany In preparation No -
Greece Submitted Yes 160.24
Hungary Submitted Yes 46.49
Ireland Submitted Yes 63.66
Italy Submitted Yes 530.18
Latvia Submitted Yes 27.1
Lithuania Submitted Yes 29.69
Luxemburg In preparation No -
Malta In preparation No -
Poland Submitted Yes 235.83
Portugal Submitted Yes 150.2
Romania Submitted Yes 99.02
Slovakia In preparation Yes 67.43
Slovenia In preparation Yes 8.61
Spain Submitted Yes 881.44
Sweden Submitted Yes 41.26
The Netherlands In preparation No -
United Kingdom In preparation Yes 192.54






Romania to get EUR 100 mln from the EC to fix youth unemployment

06 February 2014

The European Commission has allotted Romania some EUR 100 million to fight youth unemployment. This initiative is part of the EC's Youth Unemployment program worth some EUR 3 billion, which are handed out to countries where youth unemployment is above 25 percent.

Romania and 16 other countries already submitted their implementation plans under this project, while 11 other countries are still preparing their strategies. (the state of play in the table below)

"Leaving young people without help damages their lifetime prospects as well as Europe's economic potential and social cohesion. It is in each Member State's interest to act swiftly and put in place practical measures to help young people get a job or acquire the skills to get a job in the future,” said László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

The EU is working to reduce youth unemployment and to increase the youth-employment rate in line with the wider EU target of achieving a 75 percent employment rate for the working-age population.

Youth unemployment rate is more than twice as high as the adult one – 23.3 percent against 9.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012, according to EU data.


Youth Guarantee Implementation Plans– state of play

Member State Status of Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan Regions eligible for extra funding under the Youth Employment Initiative Youth Employment Initiative specific allocation (€ million)*
Austria In preparation No -
Belgium Submitted Yes 39.64
Bulgaria Submitted Yes 51.56
Croatia Submitted Yes 61.82
Cyprus Submitted Yes 10.81
Czech Republic Submitted Yes 12.71
Denmark In preparation No -
Estonia In preparation No -
Finland In preparation No -
France Submitted Yes 289.76
Germany In preparation No -
Greece Submitted Yes 160.24
Hungary Submitted Yes 46.49
Ireland Submitted Yes 63.66
Italy Submitted Yes 530.18
Latvia Submitted Yes 27.1
Lithuania Submitted Yes 29.69
Luxemburg In preparation No -
Malta In preparation No -
Poland Submitted Yes 235.83
Portugal Submitted Yes 150.2
Romania Submitted Yes 99.02
Slovakia In preparation Yes 67.43
Slovenia In preparation Yes 8.61
Spain Submitted Yes 881.44
Sweden Submitted Yes 41.26
The Netherlands In preparation No -
United Kingdom In preparation Yes 192.54






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