Romania to give EUR 40 mln in subsidies for firms to create 6,400 new jobs for young graduates

Eight projects channeling subsidies of EUR 40 million to create 6,400 new jobs for young graduates start today. They will consist in financial support for firms which hire high school and university graduates from 2014.
Firms will get financial support to hire high school graduates on a RON 900 (some EUR 200) net monthly salary, and RON 1,300 (some EUR 300) for university graduates, for a period between 6 and 12 months. The methodology and information on how these subsidies will be given should be published on the website of the Department for Small and Medium Enterprises.
The Baccalaureate exam in Romania, which marks the end of high-school, is still ongoing, and should end sometime mid-July, when a new generation of high school graduates should either start looking for jobs, or enroll in University. The end of University paper and exam are scheduled at many universities for the end of July.