Romania to open Ceausescu execution spot to public this September

The former military base in Targoviste, Romania, where the country’s communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu (in picture) and his wife Elena Ceausescu were executed in December 1989, will be opened to the public this September.
According to Ovidiu Carstina, the director of Curtea Domneasca museum in Targoviste, visitors will be able to see the wall where Ceausescu and his wife were shot.
“The inside of the building has been repainted in the same colors as in 1989, the furniture from that period will also be brought, Ceausescus’ beds are already there,” said Ovidiu Carstina, quoted by local news agency Mediafax.
The authorities decided to open the military base for public following foreign tourists’ interest to see the spot where Romania’s communist dictator was executed. Tickets will cost RON 7 (some EUR 1.5).
Ceausescu was Romania’s president between 1967 and 1989. He was also General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party, while the country was under the Communist regime. The regime was overthrown in what was named the revolution in 1989, when both Nicolae and his wife Elena Ceausescu were executed.
Irina Popescu,