Romania among top ten European beer producers

With 16.05 million hectolitres produced in 2017 (latest data available), Romania is the eighth-largest beer producer in Europe.
The country ranks seventh in Europe for consumption, with 16.11 million hectolitres, according to the latest statistics revealed by the brewers’ association Berarii Romaniei.
The beer market in Romania is thus larger than those in countries with longer tradition, such as Czech Republic, Austria and Belgium.
Romania’s beer industry remains “deeply national”, since the imports have barely accounted for 3% of the consumption, the association commented. Nonetheless, all the large brewers on the local market are international companies -- which maintained the local brands on the market, though. For comparison, the United Kingdom imports some 23% of the beer it consumes while France imports 35% of its consumption.
Romania’s beer market is maturing, which is visible in a diversification of the Romanians' preferences for different types of beer consumed, the association commented. On the one hand, the producers' portfolios are enriched every year with new assortments, and, on the other hand, new producers enter the beer market.
The number of micro-breweries has been increasing in recent years, reaching about 40 micro-producers at the moment.
Three foreign companies hold 87% of Romania’s beer market
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