Romania’s Transgaz takes over national natural gas transportation system in Moldova

Romanian publicly traded Transgaz, through its subsidiary Vestmoldtransgaz, has taken over the operation of the National Natural Gas Transportation System in the Republic of Moldova.
On September 4, 2023, Vestmoldtransgaz signed a lease contract for the natural gas transportation networks in Moldova, through which it takes over the operation, exploitation, dispatch, and transportation of natural gas in the country starting from September 19. The contract was approved by the National Energy Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Moldova.
The appointment of VMTG as the sole operator of the natural gas transportation system in the Republic of Moldova is a consequence of Moldovatransgaz's failure to meet the requirements of separation and certification ('unbundling') according to the European Union's Energy Package III, Directive 2009/72/EC, on common rules for the internal market in electricity.
“By taking over the operation, exploitation, dispatch, and transportation of natural gas from Moldovatransgaz, Vestmoldtransgaz will manage the entire gas infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova,” reads the press release.
Transgaz has made several major investments in the North-East region of Romania, on the border with Moldova, allowing “for diversifying sources and supply routes of natural gas, increasing security of natural gas supply for this winter and the following years, as well as the possibility of expanding the Moldova SNT network to connect to distribution networks for households and industrial consumers who do not yet have access to these resources,” said Ion Sterian, CEO of Transgaz.
After taking over the operation of SNT, Vestmoldtransgaz is considering updating the 10-year SNT Development Plan, which will be published on the company's website in the shortest time, he added.
(Photo source: Inquam Photos | George Calin)