Romania’s unemployment still tamed in September

The ILO unemployment rate in Romania remained in September 0.2pp below the peak reached in July, at 5.4% - still recording a significant 1.4pp increase compared to the value in September 2019.
In seasonally adjusted terms, the ILO unemployment was 5.2% in September - again 0.2pp below the July peak and 1.1pp more than a year ago.
On the background of activities gradually resuming, by successive relaxation of restrictions imposed on the population for preventive purposes, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of unemployed estimated for September 2020 dropped compared to the previous month. However, it remains above the value recorded for the same month of last year.
The estimated number of people actively seeking jobs (ILO unemployment) rose by one third over the past 12 months as of September to nearly 490,000 - after the figure exceeded 500,000 in July.
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