Romania climbs three places in global WJP Rule of Law Index

01 February 2018

Romania climbed three positions for its overall rule of law performance in the 2017-2018 edition of the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index. The country ranks 29th out of 113 countries, up from the 32nd spot in 2016.

In the EU, EFTA, and North America region, Romania ranks 19th out of 24 countries.

The Rule of Law Index measures rule of law adherence in 113 countries worldwide, based on more than 110,000 household and 3,000 expert surveys. It measures countries’ rule of law performance across eight factors: Constraints on Government Powers, Absence of Corruption, Open Government, Fundamental Rights, Order and Security, Regulatory Enforcement, Civil Justice, and Criminal Justice.

Out of the group of 24 countries, Romania ranks 19th on the Constraints on Government Powers factor, 21st for Absence of Corruption, 18th on the Open Government and on the Fundamental Rights factors, 15th on the Order and Security factor, 20th for Regulatory Enforcement, 17th for Civil Justice, and 20th on the Criminal Justice factor.

The top three overall performers in the 2017-2018 WJP Rule of Law Index were Denmark, Norway, and Finland. The bottom three were Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Venezuela, ranked last.

Neighboring Bulgaria dropped two positions in the global ranking to the 55th place out of 113 countries worldwide.

The index also revealed that, globally, a majority of countries worldwide saw their scores decline since the previous 2016 index in the areas of human rights, checks on government powers, and civil and criminal justice.

The group of 24 countries in the EU and North America includes Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States.

The full ranking is available here.

EC president: Romania made progress on rule of law but no steps back accepted

EIU: Romania, “flawed democracy” with “partly free” press


Romania climbs three places in global WJP Rule of Law Index

01 February 2018

Romania climbed three positions for its overall rule of law performance in the 2017-2018 edition of the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index. The country ranks 29th out of 113 countries, up from the 32nd spot in 2016.

In the EU, EFTA, and North America region, Romania ranks 19th out of 24 countries.

The Rule of Law Index measures rule of law adherence in 113 countries worldwide, based on more than 110,000 household and 3,000 expert surveys. It measures countries’ rule of law performance across eight factors: Constraints on Government Powers, Absence of Corruption, Open Government, Fundamental Rights, Order and Security, Regulatory Enforcement, Civil Justice, and Criminal Justice.

Out of the group of 24 countries, Romania ranks 19th on the Constraints on Government Powers factor, 21st for Absence of Corruption, 18th on the Open Government and on the Fundamental Rights factors, 15th on the Order and Security factor, 20th for Regulatory Enforcement, 17th for Civil Justice, and 20th on the Criminal Justice factor.

The top three overall performers in the 2017-2018 WJP Rule of Law Index were Denmark, Norway, and Finland. The bottom three were Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Venezuela, ranked last.

Neighboring Bulgaria dropped two positions in the global ranking to the 55th place out of 113 countries worldwide.

The index also revealed that, globally, a majority of countries worldwide saw their scores decline since the previous 2016 index in the areas of human rights, checks on government powers, and civil and criminal justice.

The group of 24 countries in the EU and North America includes Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States.

The full ranking is available here.

EC president: Romania made progress on rule of law but no steps back accepted

EIU: Romania, “flawed democracy” with “partly free” press




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