Romanian artists’ paintings to be sold at the Artmark’s autumn auction in October

06 October 2011

Romanian arts works from the late nineteenth century until the end of the twentieth century will be sold at Artmark’s Autumn Auction 2011, that will be held on October 20, at Radisson Blu hotel in Bucharest, starting 19:30 hours.

Formalism, Symbolism and Traditionalism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, Thesaurus, Expressionism and Avant-garde, Modernism, Postmodern and Contemporary will be the six sections of this auction. Paintings by Theodor Aman, Nicolae Grigorescu are remarkable, Nicolae Tonitza, Ion Tuculescu, Nicolae Darascu, Gheorghe Petrascu, Theodor Pallady, Camil Ressu, Lucian Grigorescu, Corneliu Baba and Alexandru Ciucurencu will be included in the auction.

The Autumn Auction will bring several paintings like “Portretul unui evreu galitian” (Portrait of a Galician Jew) made by Nicolae Grigorescu, that has an estimated value between EUR 40,000 and EUR 80,000, “Targ la Rucar” (Fair in Rucar) made by Alexandru Obregia with an estimated value between EUR 20,000 and EUR 40,000, “Ochii demiurgului” (The eyes of the demiurge) by Ion Tuculescu that has an estimated value of EUR 50,000 and EUR 80,000, and many others.

Irina Popescu,

(photo source: Artmark)


Romanian artists’ paintings to be sold at the Artmark’s autumn auction in October

06 October 2011

Romanian arts works from the late nineteenth century until the end of the twentieth century will be sold at Artmark’s Autumn Auction 2011, that will be held on October 20, at Radisson Blu hotel in Bucharest, starting 19:30 hours.

Formalism, Symbolism and Traditionalism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, Thesaurus, Expressionism and Avant-garde, Modernism, Postmodern and Contemporary will be the six sections of this auction. Paintings by Theodor Aman, Nicolae Grigorescu are remarkable, Nicolae Tonitza, Ion Tuculescu, Nicolae Darascu, Gheorghe Petrascu, Theodor Pallady, Camil Ressu, Lucian Grigorescu, Corneliu Baba and Alexandru Ciucurencu will be included in the auction.

The Autumn Auction will bring several paintings like “Portretul unui evreu galitian” (Portrait of a Galician Jew) made by Nicolae Grigorescu, that has an estimated value between EUR 40,000 and EUR 80,000, “Targ la Rucar” (Fair in Rucar) made by Alexandru Obregia with an estimated value between EUR 20,000 and EUR 40,000, “Ochii demiurgului” (The eyes of the demiurge) by Ion Tuculescu that has an estimated value of EUR 50,000 and EUR 80,000, and many others.

Irina Popescu,

(photo source: Artmark)




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