Romanian authors have translated works presented at Paris book fair
Recent French-language translations of works by Romanian authors will be introduced at the Livre Paris book fair, taking place March 24 to March 27. They are La mémoire des feuilles mortes by Marie-Hélène Fabra-Brătianu (Éditions LʼHarmattan), La vie commence vendredi by Ioana Pârvulescu (Éditions du Seuil), Exuvies by Simona Popescu (Éditions Non Lieu), and Le marchand de premières phrases by Matei Vişniec (Éditions Actes Sud).
Works published by some 30 Romanian publishing houses will go on display at Romania’s stand, where a series of events organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) will also take place. The series will open with the debate Europe et latinité - des passeurs de savoir, moderated by writer Virgil Tănase, and having as guests Romania’s ambassador at UNESCO Adrian Cioroianu, ICR president Radu Boroianu, professor Victor Neumann, and writers Dumitru Ţepeneag and Vida Gábor.
Editors Odille Serre and Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens, translators Marily Le Nir, Laure Hinckel and Nicolas Cavaillès, writer Richard Edwards and researcher Matei Stârcea-Crăciun will also take part at the debate.
Visitors of the Romanian stand can also attend the launch of the poetry magazine La Traductière. Revue Internationale de poésie et art visuel or the launch events of several Romanian poetry volumes published in French translation: Le Vampire passif by Gherasim Luca, Épine dont je me gagne by Miron Kiropol, Plomb/ LʼIntegrale de lʼoeuvre poetique by George Bacovia, and Itinéraire I by Aurora Cornu.
Architect and graphic designer Răzvan Luscov was in charge with the concept and the graphic design of the Romanian stand.
The Paris book fair was established in 1981. In 2016 it became Livre Paris, an event dedicated to professionals of the book publishing field and to the general public alike. A total of 1,200 exhibitors from over 50 countries attend the event, which gathers some 150,000 visitors. Morocco is the guest country at this year’s fair.
Browsing the shelves at Kyralina – the only French bookstore in Bucharest
(Photo: Emmanuel Nguyen Ngoc/ Livre Paris)