Eccentric Romanian billionaire filmed herding sheep on busy street in Bucharest’s expat district

Gigi Becali, one of Romania’s richest, best known as owner of the FCSB (former Steaua Bucharest) football club, was filmed on Saturday as he was herding his sheep on the busy Pipera street in Bucharest.
As the herd blocked the car traffic on the street, Becali, with a broom in hand, helped his employees clear the street. The footage was apparently filmed in front of his sumptuous villa on Pipera street. Becali’s estate includes a pool and a tennis court but also a sheepfold.
Gigi Becali, whose family have grazed sheep for generations, has continued this tradition. In several interviews he gave to the Romanian media he said he keeps several hundred sheep next to his home and that he mostly eats their products, namely sheep milk, cheese and lamb chops.
Becali, who made a huge fortune from land deals, used to owned many land plots in Pipera, at Bucharest’s outskirts, where one of the city’s most exclusive districts has developed in recent years. Many Romanian businesspeople and expats have built villas in Pipera, where several international schools are also located.
Gigi Becali also served two years in jail for an illegal land swap with the Defense Ministry in the 1990s, which has helped him get the land in Pipera and has brought him most of his fortune.