Romanian businessman Catalin Chelu detained for 29 days for offering bribe to state official

Romanian businessman Catalin Chelu and three other individuals, Gabriel Constantinscu, Antonel Cristi Bunu and Ştefan Niţache Badea were detained for 29 days on Sunday, November 21, for bribe and complicity to bribe, according to the National Anti-corruption Authority (DNA).
Interior Ministry state secretary Dan Fatuloiu has recently told off a bribe attempt he had received on behalf of Romanian businessman Catalin Chelu. The businessman was allegedly trying to offer Fatuloiu cash and other interests. Fatuloiu refused the bribe and announced the National Anti-corruption Unit (DNA) and organized a flagrant on Friday, November 19.
According to the DNA, Chelu initially promised the state secretary a EUR 1 million bribe between August and November this year, asking Fatuloiu to block the examination of criminal files involving Chelu, Constantinescu Gabriel and Bunu Antonel Cristi. Chelu has not promised the bribe personally, but through the other three individuals. Chelu changed the value of the bribe from the initially promised EUR 1 million to EUR 50,000 in cash and a house and a land plot worth EUR 270,000. During the meeting between Catalin Chelu and Dan Fatuloiu on November 12, Chelu offered an additional EUR 300,000 in cash. According to the DNA, Chelu has also asked Fatuloiu to determine the administrators of a company to register Catalin Chelu as shareholder in the company. The name of the company was not revealed.
Catalin Chelu is a Galati – based businessman who owns several companies across the country, mostly through investments on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. He is known for creating Blue Telecom and for investing in shares of SIF investment funds, which are listed on the BSE.