ZF: Romanian companies, three times more profitable than multinationals

Private companies with Romanian capital were three times more profitable than multinationals in 2015, with an overall net result of RON 27 billion (EUR 6.07 billion) at a total turnover of RON 551 billion (EUR 124 billion).
In the case of multinationals, the net profit amounted to RON 9 billion (EUR 2.02 billion) whereas the total turnover reached RON 580 billion (EUR 130.5 billion), according to the second edition of the survey on Romanian capital carried out by Ziarul Financiar with PIAROM.
The firms with Romanian private capital had a share of 47% in the total turnover in Romania’s economy whereas the foreign companies had a share of 49%. The remaining 4% was generated by state-owned companies.
The companies active in Romania, including those with foreign and local capital, had a total turnover of RON 1.18 billion (EUR 260 billion) in 2015. That year, the GDP amounted to EUR 158 billion.
Romanian private firms and multinationals have approximately the same share of the total business, but the Romanian firms are ten times more numerous: 433,000 companies compared to 37,000 foreign firms.
Romanian entrepreneurs score profits, multinationals record losses