Romanian doctor elected to the World Health Organization Regional Committee for Europe

After more than 10 years, Romania has a representative in the Standing Committee of the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Europe, according to a statement of the Romanian Ministry of Health.
Doctor Alexandru Rafila, adviser to the Minister of Health, won on Tuesday, September 16, one of the four seats in the Standing Committee. Rafila is also a microbiologist and specialists in public health, head of the microbiology laboratory at the Matei Bals National Institute for Infectious Diseases and head of the Department of Microbiology at the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
Romania will thus directly participate in setting the European strategic framework in the health sector and participate actively in decisions to implement the 2014-2020 health policies and strategies.
The 64th Session of the World Health Organization’s Regional Committee for Europe is ongoing in Copenhagen between September 15 and September 18. The event gathers 300 participants from 53 countries. Romania is represented by a delegation of the Ministry of Health, led by Under Secretary of State Razvan Vulcanescu.
Irina Popescu,
(photo source: Wikipedia Commons)