Romanian employees, more stressed in 2019

Half of the Romanian employees believe that 2019 has been more professionally demanding, full of challenges, effort and stress compared to the previous year.
If Santa could fulfill a profession-related wish, one in four employees would ask for more health and work power, and the same fraction would want a new job in another industry, according to the latest survey conducted by the recruitment platform BestJobs.
The survey was conducted from November 15 to December 5, 2019, on a sample of 974 Internet users - who, since were caught visiting BestJobs were at least considering other options.
The year 2019 has not been very productive for a good part of the employees, from a salary point of view. Thus, one third of the respondents say that their salary has stagnated, while for one in ten it has even decreased by up to 25%.
The Christmas holidays are not expected to be any richer, the survey shows. Only 16.6% of respondents will allocate more money this year for holiday gifts. One third of the respondents plan to spend for all gifts no more than RON 300, almost a quarter - at most RON 500, one in ten - between RON 500 and RON 700 and almost 10% - between RON 700 and RON 1,000.
(Photo source: ID 113815962 © Oleh Veres -