Three quarters of Romanian employees are unhappy with their jobs, study shows

More than 76% of the respondents to a study by online recruiting platform eJobs said they are unhappy with their jobs and would consider making a change in their career, and most respondents would prefer a job in Sales if they were to make a change.
Meanwhile, 34.4% of respondents would consider making a career change if this would bring them more money, and 7.5% said they would rather find a job in a different field because they never really liked the area they’re working in now.
“Once dissatisfaction with the current job increases, Romanian employees become more aware of the need to make a career change and to keep up with the dynamics of the labor market through learning. This is how they started to appreciate more the employers investing in their training. Thus, 94.3% of the respondents to the eJobs study would attend courses for professional retraining if the company would pay for them. We expected these answers. What we didn’t expect is the very high percentage (69.5%) of respondents who would be willing to pay for such courses themselves,” Bogdan Badea, CEO eJobs Romania, said.
Most (87.6%) would pay between EUR 100 and EUR 300 for a course that can provide them with the skills needed to get a better job. 8.8% would pay between EUR 300 and EUR 500 for the same purpose, 2% between EUR 500 and EUR 1.000, and 1.5% of respondents would be willing to invest more than EUR 1,000 in retraining courses.
When it comes to the fields preferred by the Romanians who consider changing their jobs, Sales top the list, followed by Human Resources, Logistics, Transport and Distribution. The IT is next, this being one of the areas with the most dynamic developments in recent years, both in terms of the number of jobs put in the market and the salaries offered to specialists.
In fact, according to eJobs’ HR Review & Trends report, things were similar in 2018 when the list of fields preferred by the Romanians was dominated by Sales, Logistics, Accounting, Administration/Secretariat, Distribution and Human Resources, despite the hierarchy of the highest wages. From the salaries’ point of view, the most attractive areas are IT – with an average net salary at national level of RON 5,731, Legal – RON 4,571, Banking – RON 4,226, and Human Resources – RON 4,048.
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