Seven in ten Romanian employers give Easter bonuses or days off

About 71.2% of the employers who participated in the latest survey carried out in Romania by the eJobs recruiting platform say that they will offer extra benefits to company employees during the Easter holidays this year.
Compared to last year, the value of the benefits offered to employees is higher, as declared by 40.5% of employers. 52.4% say they kept the same budget ceilings, 4.8% lowered them, and 2.4% don't know.
A third of them set budgets of RON 200-400 (EUR 40-80) per employee, but the wealthiest of the companies (2.4% of them) pay up to RON 800-1,000 (EUR 160-200) per employee.
The overall annual budget for Christmas and Easter bonuses is just over RON 1,000 (EUR 200) for nearly a third of the employers as well.
(Photo source: Fizkes/