Romanian farmers expect drought to diminish their rapeseed crops by 50%

Due to insufficient water in the soil, around 70% of rapeseed crops sown in Romania this autumn have not emerged, but farmers are still planting. They estimate significant harvest losses of up to 50%, reported.
Separately, the cultivated areas are smaller compared to the previous year due to the fact that many farmers lacked financial resources after the 2022-2023 agricultural year.
The farmers claim that the situation is not much different for the wheat crops.
The Romanian farmers harvested 1.9 million tonnes of rapeseed this year, compared to 1.1 million tonnes last year (+72%), as the cultivated area increased to 641.8 thousand hectares, 179.7 thousand hectares more compared to 2022 (+39% y/y).
(Photo source: Tinifan/