Romanian Film Festival holds first edition in Minnesota this weekend

The first edition of the Romanian Film Festival of Minnesota takes place this weekend, November 18-19. Organized under the theme Tales of Our Destiny, the cinematic event brings a selection of award-winning productions to the Landmark Center in St. Paul.
The festival opens with the screening of Tudor Giurgiu's Libertate/Freedom, one of this year's most appreciated cinematographic productions.
The lineup also includes Paul Negoescu's Oameni de Treaba/Men of Deeds, Spre Nord/To the North directed by Mihai Mincan, and Tigru/Day of the Tiger by Andrei Tănase.
All movies are in Romanian language with English subtitles.
The event is organized by HORA/Heritage Organization of Romanian Americans, with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York. Further details are available here.
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