Romanian firefighter becomes the first runner to win all 5 ultramarathons in the Continental Challenge

26 July 2022

Romanian firefighter becomes the first runner to win all 5 ultramarathons in the Continental Challenge

26 July 2022

Iulian Rotariu, a 46-year-old firefighter for the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations in Botoșani, has recently won the ultramarathon in Norway. He thus became world champion for the 6th time as well as the first runner in the world to win the five ultramarathons of the Continental Challenge.

The Inspectorate proudly posted the news on their Facebook page: "Iulian Rotariu continues to amaze the whole world with the fact that he always manages to surpass his limits! [...] Considering that the race was 44 hours long, but our colleague finished the 120 kilometers in 22 hours, it seems that he is on the way to a new record."

ISU Botoșani described the difficult conditions that the firefighter and runner had to face during this marathon: "Iulian ran in the heart of the Lyngen Alps, 350 km north of the Arctic Circle. He crossed five rivers, ran through snow, and ran on steep, slippery rocks. The fact that it was extremely difficult is proven by the fact that only five competitors completed this ultramarathon, the others having dropped out."

And ended with a hearty congratulations for their colleague: "Words are too few to describe the willpower you have shown, Iulian! Congratulations! We are proud of you!"

Iulian Rotariu started running ultramarathons 12 years ago and has since accomplished some really impressive feats, having won five of the eight ultramarathons that he has participated in.

(Photo source: ISU Botosani's Facebook page)

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