Romanian Football Federation to establish five new football classes for girls in high schools

The Romanian Football Federation (FRF) will establish five new football classes for girls at the Sports Program High Schools in Bistrița, Buzău, Pitești, Târgu Mureș, and Timișoara. The initiative is aimed at popularizing football among girls and increasing their level of involvement/participation in this sport.
“With the support of the Ministry of Education, we have taken another step towards developing the new generation of female athletes who choose football as their main sport,” the federation said.
“The ‘Training Centers’ project contributes to increasing professionalism in women's football, a national phenomenon that, in the last 10 years, has meant for Romania an increase in participation from 330 to over 100,000 practitioners and audience records at the stadium and on TV,” it added.
The football classes for girls at the Sports Program High Schools in Bistrița, Buzău, Pitești, Târgu Mureș, and Timișoara will be established starting with the 2024-2025 school year, from the 9th grade. Experts and material resources will be provided by the Romanian Football Federation.
The Romanian Football Federation and the Ministry of Education already collaborate in national school football competitions, which are organized each year.
“By establishing these 5 classes, which will become training centers, the common commitment takes on a new dimension, that of dual careers, with enrolled students having the opportunity to develop their technical skills in football, alongside their educational journey,” the federation explained.
FRF said that one of its objectives at the moment is to increase participation in women's football, as well as to ensure a conducive context for its ongoing development through normative reforms, projects, and partnerships designed to provide specific training and to go through the necessary steps for performance.
(Photo source: Stef22 |