Three high school robotics teams represent Romania at world championship in the US

09 March 2023

The national stage of the BRD FIRST Tech Challenge 2023, the largest robotics competition for high school students in Romania and Europe, has ended, and the winning teams will go to the World Championship in Houston, the US. Romania is the en-titre champion, following the performance achieved last year when the Delta Force team from Arad won the world championship.

Three teams will represent Romania this year, namely Ro2D2 from the Mihai Viteazul National College in Ploiesti, TehnoZ from the Zinca Golescu National College in Pitesti, and PEPPERS from the Grigore Moisil Informatics High School in Iasi.

The Romanian students and their mentors will participate in the World Championship in Houston, the US, between April 19 and 22, competing for the title with teams from all over the world.

In total, 80 teams of high school students from Romania and one team from Montenegro competed on March 3-5 for the title of national champions in robotics at Sala Polivalenta in Bucharest.

The non-profit association Natie Prin Educatie has been organizing the BRD FIRST Tech Challenge Romania program, designed for high school students, since 2016.

(Photo source: the organizers)


Three high school robotics teams represent Romania at world championship in the US

09 March 2023

The national stage of the BRD FIRST Tech Challenge 2023, the largest robotics competition for high school students in Romania and Europe, has ended, and the winning teams will go to the World Championship in Houston, the US. Romania is the en-titre champion, following the performance achieved last year when the Delta Force team from Arad won the world championship.

Three teams will represent Romania this year, namely Ro2D2 from the Mihai Viteazul National College in Ploiesti, TehnoZ from the Zinca Golescu National College in Pitesti, and PEPPERS from the Grigore Moisil Informatics High School in Iasi.

The Romanian students and their mentors will participate in the World Championship in Houston, the US, between April 19 and 22, competing for the title with teams from all over the world.

In total, 80 teams of high school students from Romania and one team from Montenegro competed on March 3-5 for the title of national champions in robotics at Sala Polivalenta in Bucharest.

The non-profit association Natie Prin Educatie has been organizing the BRD FIRST Tech Challenge Romania program, designed for high school students, since 2016.

(Photo source: the organizers)




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