Romanian households can prepare applications for PV panel grants

Romania's Environment Fund Administration (AFM) has published the calendar for the Green House Photovoltaics grant scheme for individuals. Registrations are made online on certain days for each area of the country, with each region having allocated three days.
"Given the importance of the program in terms of environmental protection policies and the major interest shown by citizens, the Environmental Fund Administration has made every effort to simplify the access of individuals to the program by developing a new IT application," said AFM president Laurențiu-Adrian Neculaescu, quoted by
This year's edition of the scheme aims to help 87,500 households install PV panels, in addition to the 55,000 that benefitted from similar grants under the previous two editions of the scheme.
Under the scheme, recipients get grants covering up to 90% of the total value of the eligible expenses, within the limit of RON 20,000 (EUR 4,000), for the installation of photovoltaic panel systems with a power of at least 3 kW.
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