Romanian households ready to place their savings in Treasury bonds

23 March 2022

The Romanian Ministry of Finance raised RON 200 mln (EUR 40 mln) from small individual investors in just three days by selling BVB-listed Fidelis government securities. The subscription period ends on April 1.

Only on March 21, 2022, small investors placed orders for about RON 85 mln, according to calculations of Ziarul Financiar daily.

The investors are particularly interested in the bonds denominated in local currency with a maturity of one year, for which the Ministry of Finance pays a coupon of 4.75%.

The orders until March 21, for this specific issue, reached RON 87.5 mln, nearly half of the total.

In separate news, Ziarul Financiar reported recently that in 2020, the number of Romanians with deposits over EUR 100,000 increased by 7,458. Compared to the total balance of population deposits, in lei and foreign currency, the deposits above the threshold of EUR 100,000 represents a significant share of over 20.7%.

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Romanian households ready to place their savings in Treasury bonds

23 March 2022

The Romanian Ministry of Finance raised RON 200 mln (EUR 40 mln) from small individual investors in just three days by selling BVB-listed Fidelis government securities. The subscription period ends on April 1.

Only on March 21, 2022, small investors placed orders for about RON 85 mln, according to calculations of Ziarul Financiar daily.

The investors are particularly interested in the bonds denominated in local currency with a maturity of one year, for which the Ministry of Finance pays a coupon of 4.75%.

The orders until March 21, for this specific issue, reached RON 87.5 mln, nearly half of the total.

In separate news, Ziarul Financiar reported recently that in 2020, the number of Romanians with deposits over EUR 100,000 increased by 7,458. Compared to the total balance of population deposits, in lei and foreign currency, the deposits above the threshold of EUR 100,000 represents a significant share of over 20.7%.

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