Romanian investor Guzu expands food business with natural jams and juices

Romanian investor Daniel Guzu, the founder of two construction materials businesses and now owner of a vine and orchard business, launched a new jam and juice brand called 'Ana are' (Ana has). The name revolves around a catch phrase learned by pupils in the first grade, when they are taught the alphabet: 'Ana has apples' (in Romanian 'Ana are mere') is one of the sentences in the first school book.
Guzu's business Casa Panciu, with a turnover of EUR 1 million in 2011, produces juices and jams in Vrancea county, where it has a warehouse with a capacity of 1,500 tonnes. Guzu, who has invested around EUR 10 million in his food business in recent years, also owns a vineyard, a wine cellar and an orchard in Vrancea county.
The entrepreneur claims the products are 100 percent natural, without any preservatives or sweeteners, and the conservation method is pasteurization. Jams also include only the fruits boiled in juice.
After selling his majority share package in paint producer Fabryo to investment fund Oresa Ventures in 2009, Daniel Guzu started Natura – the company that runs his food business, and Duraziv, which produces construction materials, a business that posted a turnover of EUR 18 million in 2011.
(photo source: the company)